New day, new topic
Time to get controversial? Well, sort of. To start, I need an introduction to my topic. Mel Gibson was arrested last week for DUI and shouted anti-semitic blabber at the jewish police officer. DUI is illegal, but being a bigot is not, technically. Although a permanent scarlet letter for any public figures, being a racist/bigot is not technically illegal. In England, however, it is illegal. There is an agenda at hand known as "anti-social behaviour" where the government is cracking down on people who are a public nuissance. Warnings, fines and arrests are given to people who are bigots, those who have noice violations, have their dogs crap on peoples lawns and anything else you can think of that would bother neighbours. When working in the House of Commons, we were presented with cases every day of anti-social behaviour, ranging from someone who let their bushes grow so large that drivers couldnt see around them to someone who was drunk and obnoxious too often. Charges are filed against anything and everything someone doesnt like as long as it is under the facade of "anti-social behaviour". And this brings us to today's topic... British law.
I love the British legal system. Sort of. Some things are great, for example no guns. There are no guns on the streets, not in the hands of criminals, not in the hands of citizens, and in only 3,000 of 30,000 police officers, not in the hands of cops either. Why? Because several years ago, there was a shooting of a police officer. So the British legislature passed a law banning guns. A couple of weeks ago someone got stabbed. So what happens? Knives get banned (from persons on the street or whatever). Last summer there were terrorist attacks. They had suspected a person in participating, so they shot him when he did not comply with police orders. No Guantanamo Bay, no scandals, no questions asked. In some cases, the British system is ridiculously efficient. In others, not so much. But in the case of getting things done swiftly, those Brits are pros. I like their style. The Bush Administration is full of scandal becuase there is too much room for error. But then again, if every decision was made on a whiplash effect without taking logic into consideration, we'd live in a world controlled by Democrats. Do you need aloe after that burn?
I dont want to write a novel every time I make an entry, so here's a short one for you.
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